The Order

Panic in Paradise Diamond Line Potion


Panic in Paradise Diamond Line Potion

Sometimes when you are raised from or come from a place of trauma or abuse, you grow into an adult that doesn’t know how to enjoy yourself or even relax when things are going well. Unfortunately for some, things finally going good makes them nervous and terrified for the inevitable drop off. Often these types will self sabatoge a great thing, job, situation, or love, just so they feel the chaos they grew to know as normal.


If this sounds like you, then we have a solution. Panic in Paradise will help you to feel more comfortable in good and healthy situations. This Diamond Line potion is bound to Choronzon and Lucifer, and is a perfect reflection of the nature of their love. You will feel the safety, calm, and confidence in the things that are good and will finally be rid of the toxic cycles of pain and anxiety. 

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