The Order

Frenemy Hex Candle


7th Witch House is proud to introduce “Frenemy Hex Potion Candle.” 

Have you ever had a gut instinct that someone’s intentions for you were fake? Do you have someone who is your friend, but that also tries to manipulate you, control you, belittle you, or say things that are just barely under the radar offensive? Do you have someone who then gaslights you when you question their intentions? 

if so, this frenemy potion candle is for you! This candle is to be used on people that you wish to remain friends with, or repair your relationship with. Many times we befriend narcissists and people who are highly self centered or who are just not empathetic people. 

This potion candle will force them to see their ridiculous selfish behaviors, apologize, and heavily influence them to stop their toxic patterns and put them back in their lane while being happy for you in yours. 

You will not see much harm come from this candle, but you’ll witness a grand influence and freeze and stalling of everything in your target’s life until they reflect on how they act, and fix it. 

Instructions and ritual will come with this candle. 


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