The Order

Incognito Potion


Fantastic for concealing your intentions and maintaining your ritual work privacy. 

Can make your actions and intentions seem wholesome and can repel other’s interest in your business.

How to use:

To have an extra untraceable layer of disguise and security on your intentions or ritual work, write your own first and last name into the side of a white chime candle within. This will retroactively work to add an extra layer of protection to all past ritual work that is impenetrable regardless of another workers skill or ability to trace. 

Anoint candle w/ approximately 6 drops of oil. Light for 6 minutes. Focus your intention on the flame while envisioning an impenetrable fog like layer over you and all your past spellwork. Perform as needed/desired.  This part must be done at least once. 
*You may also additionally wear this potion after as a booster by applying a drop behind each ear or on pulse points as needed or desired. 

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Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
Versatile Incognito!

I gave this to my best friend because he wanted to hide himself from a specific group of people. It's worked twice for him!

Kaitlin Elaine
Must have with divination

If you want to completely block someone who is able to see things beyond what’s just in front of them physically you want this potion. Especially if you need to hex them you don’t want to risk them being able to see you lighting all the candles on them 😉

Tommy Le

When I want to hide stuff. This is my go-to potion. It works every time. Make sure you are very specific in your request.

Get out of any situation you want to avoid!

Used this 2 times this week. Once for a family member to avoid a dramatic topic. Worked like a charm.. the person did not bring up any drama! Also, used it today to avoid a small lie from coming out. What happened was that we could no longer meet up with the person who could have blurted out some truth that did not need to be known. Life saver!!!

Stay hidden

I use this potion very often. It’s helped me remain hidden in many situations. I was working on a project and I did not want anyone asking about it so I used this potion and it worked perfectly well. It made my actions seem wholesome and no one questioned me about anything.