It took me a year and a half to write this review, because my POI finally "tested" this (Fidelity Tablet), and it took me some time to piece it together.
He went out all night with "friends," which he has never before done...then turned his phone off. I didn't hear from him until 7 the next morning...checked his location and he was over on the other side of town in a purely residential area. His excuses were flimsy and he wasn't even trying to apologize or make up a good story. He just wanted to pretend it didn't happen, and I am a very patient woman, so I allowed it.
Over time, pieces of info fell into my lap, mutual friends and even HIS friends basically told on him to me. I found out the date he went MIA just happened to be his ex's birthday; found out he did "snow / nose candy;" found out during a consult with Ashley that he...tried it...and failed to perform.
I later opened his phone and found some messages between him and the suspected person.
It took me a while to process all of this, but I can say that I KNOW without a doubt that this tablet kept him from succeeding with his infedelity, despite how much he REALLY tried to and even had chemical help.