Stop Your Break Up, Divorce or Lovers Rejection...Even If Your Situation Seems Hopeless!
Do you have these symptoms?
- Leaving the radio off because every song reminds you of him/her
- Appetite loss
- Binge eating for comfort
- Calling your ex several times a day
- Text messaging constantly
- Constantly checking your email and voice mail to see if he/she called
- Not going out because you are afraid to miss a call
- Thinking non-stop about why they REALLY left you
- Massive depression
- Urges to spy on them
- Endlessly rehearsing what you should have said
- Endlessly rehearsing what you will say if you bump into them
And when you do get a hold of them, it usually turns ugly.
Stop your breakup in its tracks and get your love back with this potent magick potion from 7th Witch House.
- Carve target's name into a white chime candle.
- Apply 6 drops of oil on the candle wick before lighting and allow candle to burn for a minimum of 6 minutes.
- Candle may be discarded after use.