Within an hour or so of dabbing this on my wrist, I pushed myself to go to a fitness class. I hadn't attempted to go to a fitness class since JULY and it's FEBRUARY.
I'm using this to tackle many goals, including personal fitness. I cannot wait to see how this continues to improve my life. Thank you to Anubis and Bastet, and 7th Witch House.
Has helped keep my life on track
There are times i’ve self sabotaged and this potion helped me redirect the self sabotage I do to making the right choices for me. I had insight as well to do more self healing and i’m more motivated to do it. Hail Bastet! Hail Anubis!
Kaitlin Dennis
Saves you from yourself
I know sometimes I can be my own worst enemy. I’ll have things going really good and I’ll stsrt hyper focusing on things going wrong or I’ll start to tear away at my own progress out of fear or upsetting others or shining to bright. This oil is really helping me break that cycle which I’ve done a lot of mundane work but sometimes we need magickal help with things. I needed the extra boost to quit ruining good things for myself and this potion has helped a lot
Tommy Le
Anti-Self Sabotage
This is now one of my favorite! I can now go on with my life knowing that I can't screw it up. I use to say all the wrong things and miunderstand. Now people start to understand me better. This does potion is a must! Makes life much easier!