The Order

The Rising Phoenix Potion


Has life knocked you down? It's now time to rise! The Rising Phoenix from 7th Witch House was designed to give you that boost you need to regain control of your life and get positive momentum going towards your goals. Allows you to rebuild your life after disaster and depression.

How to Use:

Carve target's name on a white candle. If doing spell directed at self, write your own name. Anoint candle w/ approximately 6 drops of oil. Light for a minimum of six minutes. You may also wear this potion by applying a drop behind each ear or on pulse points daily.

*All Spell work is done.

*We recommend using chime candles. We do not promise to include chime candles in orders, but oftentimes we do if several potions have been purchased.

*Buyer is responsible for all outcomes in relation to the potion used. Consuming or wearing potion is done at the buyer's own risk.

*Our oils are packaged in plain-colored padded envelopes with no mention of the logo or references to Magick. If you have any additional concerns, please feel free to message us.

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Based on 4 reviews

I have a very long story. But in short, I have had one of the worst years in over a decade. I kept saying to myself and any poor soul that would listen "I need a win." Well, within 3 weeks of buying this : I have met my birth father (a born-again christian bye-bye daddy), said goodbye to my birth mother (who've I only know for 5 years but just found out she is infact a narcissist. I have never met one before) AND been validated that my new 169 cc scooter that I bought a year ago and have been paying hundreds of $ to get repaired, WAS indeed covered under warranty so I will be getting a new bike and over a thousand dollars returned. I still would really like to know which demons are connected to this potion. Currently I have been working with Kali Ma and Baphomet. But I dunno. Very curious. Anyway all I keep repeating to my friends is I FEEL LIKE A PHOENIX RISING! 2025 will be my year to rise. X


Works really well, instantly lifts the spirits, also used it for a friend who was having a tough time and it worked wonders on her too

Amazing Potion!

I just started a new job and I can honestly say Ashley's potions has flipped my life upside down for the better. Rising Phoenix, has given me a boost of confidence to get the clients I need to make ends meet. I feel everytime I use this potion it has got me through tough times at work. If you feel like work is overwhelming or you don't have control over your life. I found this potion has given me strength, hope and power I need to push through. Thank you 7thwitchhouse and Ashley.

The Rising Phoenix Potion

Smells divine.