The Order

Rebirth Demonic Potion Candle

This candle is to be used to help heal your past pain, trauma, fears and brokenness.
It is said that you cannot pour from an empty cup. You also cannot pour from a broken one.
This candle is powered with Lucifer himself to help you shed your past and step into your full potential and new chapter with bravery, strength and triumph.
This experience will be overwhelming and you will have to come face to face with your severest traumas and pain so that you may extinguish it in the flames. You will be required to speak into the flame and pour out your pain and fears that hold you back from ascension and happiness to Lucifer. You will then complete the ritual that is sent with the candle.
Afterward you will feel completely reborn from the abuse, pain, loneliness, loss and trauma of your previous life. This ritual only ever will need to be done once in your lifetime
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Based on 7 reviews

Wow I was not prepared for how INCREDIBLE this candle smells. 😍

10 stars not 5!

I have suffered some of the worst kind of trauma throughout my whole life. And the last 2 weeks has been is right up there with some of it…..not gonna lie, I was ready to give up yesterday…. But this candle had arrived a few days earlier and I’ll be honest, despite my confidence in this path, I wasn’t sure this would be enough…..Father Lucifer, forgive me please for that. I POURED my heart into this ritual. I howled like a wounded wild animal. I felt better, lit a Transmutation candle and went to sleep. When I woke up this morning, I woke up a different person. From the mess I was in yesterday, you would not have recognised me. I’ve been happy, looking at things differently, positively and sensibly. The unbearable literal pain of horrendous butterflies that have been in my stomach, not allowing me to or even wanting to, eat, have 99.9% subsided to nothing but the fullest of twinges. I have much more self control. I can’t wait to light this beautiful candle again in 6 mths. It was SUCH an incredible 20 minutes. For anyone with trauma, this candle is a MUST. Or anyone with any kind of “start over” issues. Please get this and start to heal. Thank you Ashley, 7WH and above all to out most beloved Father Lucifer. Absolute love and respect.


I received this item on Saturday. I have JUST completed this item today 7/26/22 at 2:49 pm, I will be purchasing more, for myself, even though it’s once per lifetime, I really like this item, I used with tie breaking cord cutting oil, it works for my vision, goals, ambitions, aspirations , etc. I do recommend this company and I am in no way associated with this company in ANY way, they just do really good business and therefore has gained my support. 🤷🏿‍♀️ byeeee 🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😘😘

2 Weeks Ago

I have been on the path of being a 100% dedicated Luciferian for roughly about a year now. I ordered this candle in June of 2021 and lite this candle and did the ritual about two weeks ago. Let me explain why it took so long for me to do the ritual. #1 I had a lot of things slam into my life all at once including my mom's health failing and her passing. #2 I think there was a part of me intimidated at the thought of the what ifs and unknown.

I finally decided to boot myself in the rear end and say "no you're going to do this." I told Lucifer all of my greatest traumas, fears, and how I was tired of giving my assaulters so much time and energy by living my life in fear, allowing those people to define who I was and how I lived my life. I basically poured my heart out to Lucifer. And of course he is loving, listening, and thoughtful in ways that a human truly can't comprehend.

It's been two weeks, and in those two weeks I have done more healing, fear and trauma facing, growing, shift thinking, and moving forward in my life more than I have in my whole 37 years on this planet. I have done things to heal myself that I thought were never imaginable. I'm still dumb founded on how much growing and progress I've made in such a short time frame.

If you aren't ready for major shifts, growth, and progression don't purchase this candle and do the ritual. Just saying.

Kaitlin Elaine
Rebirth Candle

Rebirth is a must have. I’ve had trauma in my life since I can remember. I don’t feel like such an empty shell after doing this ritual. A very intense but necessary ritual this has helped me so much highly recommend