Moral Implications of Demonic Magick
In the practice of demonic magick, the issue of morality often comes up for the practitioner.
What are the moral implications of directly influencing an outcome through such methods as hexing, seduction spells, or using magick to bend someone to our will?
While the domain of ethics and morality is rarely ever black and white, this article guides in navigating the gray through a harmonious model of morality, advocating a dual-level approach that harmonizes the intricate nature of moral reasoning. This model integrates both intuitive and critical levels, each contributing to the creation of a balanced and robust moral framework.
At the intuitive level, individuals rely on rapid and practical moral decision-making processes that draw upon instincts and past experiences, especially in familiar situations. This intuitive level allows for swift responses to everyday ethical challenges by tapping into deeply ingrained moral intuitions. These swift responses are often automatic and do not involve conscious reasoning, enabling individuals to navigate familiar ethical situations efficiently. Conversely, the critical level of moral reasoning involves a more deliberate and analytical approach, aimed at examining and refining our moral intuitions.
This level becomes especially relevant when confronted with unfamiliar or intricate ethical dilemmas, necessitating deep contemplation and thoughtful deliberation. This deep contemplation involves a thorough examination of the ethical dilemma, considering various perspectives and potential consequences.
Thoughtful deliberation, on the other hand, is the process of weighing these perspectives and consequences to arrive at a well-considered ethical decision. The two-level approach acknowledges the significance of intuitive moral thinking and recognizes its reliability and indispensability in many situations. Nevertheless, it also emphasizes the importance of supplementing intuitive responses with critical moral reflection to ensure a more comprehensive and nuanced ethical decision-making process.
This critical reflection is about refining moral judgment, empowering oneself, and striving for enlightenment by honing one's moral capacities, thereby fostering personal growth.