This potion is really helping me. A lot! Some of the symptoms I struggle with due to depression and ADD are apathy, lack of motivation, lack of energy, procrastinating, poor time management, and just straight up not getting things done. I did the ritual to activate the potion the same day I received it and I'm experiencing a great ease with tackling everything on my to-do list every day! It's not giving me big energy surges or anything like that, which I don't believe that's what it's for (I ordered manic for that 😊) but it is providing me with a very steady motivation to accomplish what needs done. I'm not really even having to give it any thought, I'm just simply doing it! I'm not overwhelmed or stressed out about any of it. I'm just doing it! It's an amazing feeling and I intend to always have this on hand 🖤 I feel more calm and sure of myself because I'm just simply getting things done!