The Order



🌫 Villain 🌫
The Villain Diamond Line is a potion of unrivaled power.

🌫Lucifer is no stranger to being misunderstood and labeled as a villain. Luckily Lucifer is also a master of transmutation along side Choronzon. Lucifer does not buckle, cower, or cave….therefore he rises to immeasurable strengths and abilities in the face of his enemies, opposition and pain. 

🌫This here before you is a dangerously powerful potion candle tied directly to Lucifer himself, that allows you to consume energy and power from all those who intend you harm. 

🌫You will be able to bask in the center of the storm and soak in the energy and strength of all your enemies.

🌫Enjoy the gift of invigoration, strength, wealth, and pure joy phenomenally transmuted from your enemies bad intentions toward you.

🌫You may also have the pleasure of witnessing your enemies be completely drained of energy, blessings, wealth, life, love and happiness.

🌫 The more unjustified enemies or hate you have thrown your way, the more you shall rise in greatness. Turn your misery into pure power! 

One of the most important lessons in life is how to find joy in chaos. This can get you there. Do not miss out on this limited edition Diamond Line Masterpiece!

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Jacqueline Eng
Villian is a great ward

Transmutation becomes fun when you realize you have good things coming to you like prosperity, extra good energy, and many other things you can manifest. This will be a staple in my home as long as is sold I recommend this & Lucifer’s witch bottle to every Luciferian.

Life Changing

Villain is next level. I have extremely evil and psychopathic relatives who have hired multiple sorcerers to get rid of me out of jealousy, and I felt the attacks badly to the point my life force was leaving my body.

I got up and lit this pot candle up. 20 mins later, I felt back to what I normally am. The attacks have been on my brain, my heart - and villain has stabilised all of them.

Thank you :)

Call Me Ruby
Immediately Eliminated an Etsy Customer That Sexually Harassed Me

I'd opened an Etsy, and it was doing nicely - with an exception.

One customer placed a small product purchase and used my customer service as a platform to test my boundaries.

He would also bombard me with photos and messages that really were erratic - but then he started sending explicit photos.

Etsy honestly sucks as a platform and wouldn't do anything. You also can't "block" people. They advised me to first tell him not to contact me anymore. So I finally did.

I lit VILLAIN -- and immediately got an email from Etsy. Apparently the creep asked for a refund or they gave him one as a measure to leave me alone. IDK. I don't care...

The energy has lifted tremendously and I feel great. He was really trying to feed off my energy with his weird situations.

Hail Lucifer!
I am so grateful for this candle.

Thank you to Ashley, Rin, the staff and the Legion!
Thank you for reading this... invest in this.

If you have any enemies, this is a must have

I was down in the dumps i’m sure I was going thru a dark night of the soul, decided to light this up after weeks of no spell work and it lit my butt on fire 🔥! I have so much more self love and confidence for myself, i’ve started to become more motivated and present in my day to day life. I do notice at times I light this, I get shown how my targets are doing and it definitely hits them where it hurts! Praise and Honor Father Lucifer! Praise and Honor Choronzon! Thank you to any demons connected to this candle! One of my best buys on here !!!

Yours truly - Modki
You need this!

Transmutation is incredibly important. I cannot stress enough the importance of this ritual.

You will want to keep this on hand for All sorts of situations