As we know, the human mind is an incredible thing! And it can be influenced in various ways!
A review is not the right place to give in to the impuls to dive down the rabbit hole of brain structures, frequencies and such. Our professors have written wonderful articles about that. Here, it can be simply put that as you read these words, you are awake, your consciousness is highly functioning while your subconscious is rather difficult to reach right now. When you relax and go through your different stages of sleep, your subconsciousness is way easier to reach. And in your subconscious are - figuratively speaking - the roots that reach all the way up to your consciousness, where your conscious thoughts, actions and behavior are the blossoms of what lies beneath. Which means if we plant a new seed in a targets subconscious, it will eventually show in their thoughts, words, actions, everything! This is neither new nor a secret but I find it important to let sink in, in order to do this incredibly powerful masterpiece justice that our wonderful Queen has so geniusly crafted: In Your Dreams! 🔥🔥🔥
With this mind-blowing game changer, you hold the key to a target's subconscious programs in your hand, where you can influence them on a deep level through Freyja's incredible powers! It's like planting the seed of a climbing plant into their mind that will grow and spread and gradually influence them in the intended direction! 🔥 Or very impulsively, depending on the dream you have given them through your petition to Freyja! For this is one of the most versatile gems you can find! It can be used platonically, with love and attraction in mind or as a hex! That makes basically anything possible and the only potential limits are probably our own creative ideas when describing the dreams that our targets will have!
Not only my targets will have dreams! Just look at this incredible beauty! Isn't it a dream in itself? 😍😍😍The purple, rose, pink, gold mix! And the pink flower and the feather that together with the gold flakes looks almost like a tiny feather boa with a golden necklace and crown! 😍😍😍
Gaaaaah! 😍😍😍😍 So beautiful!
Like dreams are not "just dreams", this powerful beauty isn't only beautiful! It's incredibly powerful! 🔥🔥🔥 Already when I opened the bottle for the first time and was immediately greeted by a composition of sweet and strong herbal notes, of an incredible fruitiness and freash nuances, dancing together in what is one of my absolute favorite scents since that day, it was absolutely clear that this masterpiece doesn't play and will do so much more than bring dreams! It holds the power to change a target's deepest thinking, feeling, convictions and eventually their actions! This wonderful concoction reaches spots where my words would never get to! 🔥🔥🔥
The ritual that comes with this beautiful mind-influencer is so absolutely powerful, meditative and can be cathartic on its own already when losing myself in the flame while chanting Freyja's name, feeling my intention and my dream description intertwine with her incredible powers, knowing that the result will be so much more than a dream! 🔥🔥🔥 It feels like shaping and weaving destiny! 🔥🔥🔥
If you have looked at this powerful beauty and haven't given in to its call to work with it, maybe it's time to do so! I can highly recommend it!
Thank you so much, Ashley Otori, for creating such a powerful and limitless instrument to influence the human mind on such a deep level so directly! Every casting of one of the wonderful blossoms of your genius mind leaves me in awe and speechless all over again! Thank you so much for the countless wonders you bless us with! Thank you so much for being you, being in this world and having us on this path! Thank you so much for everything! ❤️🥹
Praise and honor to Freyja!