So.... long story short, my kids are often very disrespectful to me (learned behavior from their father who encourages it). I am a single mother working my @$$ off to provide for them with very little assistance after leaving their father 6 years ago, which was a domestic violence situation.
They fight and argue constantly, are frequently ungrateful, and don't want to help with chores or anything around the house. In short, I love them, but they're entitled.
Purchased this candle in the hopes that it would help with this issue and encourage them to be more appreciative and helpful.
Within 15 minutes of my first use, I can already see effects. Normally when I ask one of them to take the dog out, they argue and fight over who should do it, often with me ending up doing it myself. Well, I just texted my youngest (9 yo) to please take the dog out. Not even a minute later, I got a notification on my phone of someone at the front door from my ring cam. It was her taking the dog outside. No arguments, no asking if her brother could do it instead, nothing. Just immediate compliance. I am beyond impressed and can't wait to see even more results. 🤩