The Order

Queens Chambers Potion Candle


• The bestselling potion: “Queens Chambers” is now available as an extra large 10 ounce, 3 wick, multi-use potion candle!!!!

• Queens Chambers keeps romantic and platonic targets extremely loyal and fully in love and adoration of you. This is the equivelant to a "puppet master" of love.

• This is known to be the best possible potion for extremely resistant targets that get in their own way. Removes blockages, bs excuses, and peter pan syndrome in a snap. Will make someone bend over backwards to be with you and make you happy.

• This potion will not bind you to your target. It will only make the target desperately want you.

• This candle was especially made so that you only need to speak your targets’ name while lighting the three wicks and focus your intention on the flames for 6 minutes to get this masterpiece potion to work on a romantic or a platonic target.

• This is to be used as needed and can be relit prior to a sexual engagement as a boost.

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