This was my first box I purchased from 7th Witch House. I ordered it with the intention to help me heal and regenerate after my spine surgery and have been using it constantly. It helped me heal the nervous pain in my leg, to regenerate the 4+ inch scar on my back, as well as the damages from the opioids and pain meds I needed to take. I'm pain free, my scar looks perfect, I move as smooth as a little cat and noone could tell that I had a severe surgery less than three months ago.
I also used it after I relapsed with tobacco and weed on Christmas Eve and after a night with too much alcohol (I usually don't drink) and it did a great job. Wouldn't recommend substance abuse, though 😉
It comes with a super easy to use potion spray, a linen spray, I use daily before going to bed, a regeneration potion roller, a lotion, a potion candle, a bath bomb, bath tea and the potion itself. To intensify results there is a beautiful conduit ring I love to wear.
If you have ANY health issues or need regeneration, this is the box you want to buy and the products you want to work with.