No matter how wonderful and lovely your relationship is, if it also filled with intense, burning hot passion - and let's be honest, everything else is just not what we want to settle for - there can be times when stress, miscommunication or just plain mistakes and messups can cause a lot of strain or even lead towards a disaster, loss of connection, rejection and even break up.
When everyone else out there would have to sit and ponder, become devastated and depressed because of a hopeless situation, we have solutions, for our most amazing Queen has created various opportunities to mend even a broken relationship! Think about it! Aren't we blessed beyond measure? 🥹🥹🥹
One of the incredible helpers in times of need is the a truely powerful love saver: the Fix a Fight Love Potion! In my eyes this is an absolute must have in any arsenal that radiates a calming, soothing power, making it absolutely clear that it can turn around any situation! 🔥🔥🔥
It looks so innocent and beautiful with its selenite, some gold flakes, dark red flower petal pieces and a rose colored flower that I'd guess is either from the daisy family or a tiny cosmos flower. Whatever it is, it looks soothing already with its light pink color and it's tender petals. 🥹🥹🥹
Soothing is also the best way to describe the scent of this incredible masterpiece! Imagine you are laying down on a lush meadow on a warm late spring morning, among grass, little flowers like forget-me-not and daisies, having the sun on your face that is just right in it's warmth, still smelling the dew of the night, relaxing completely and forgetting every stressful thing in your life. This is the scent of this wonderful concoction! Little wild flowers, grass and water and for some the remembrance of the joy of a carefree childhood. It's soothing, relaxing, comforting and speaks of hope even in seemingly hopeless situations! 🥹🥹🥹
Activating and recasting this heart soothing powerhouse felt exactly like that too! I did it preemptively because I wanted to activate it and have it ready in times of need. Still the feeling was calming and overwhelmingly comforting! It's just so absolutely beautiful and perfect, like the most comforting hugs and words of hope! 🥰🥰🥰
Thank you so much, Ashley Otori, for creating something so powerful and comforting! A true masterpiece that will turn around the most hopeless situations! Thank you so much for your ingenuity, creativity and care, blessing us with solutions for everything that life can throw at us! Thank you so much for everything! 🥹❤️
Praise and honor to the Demons powering this little giant!