The Order

Forcalor Strength Potion


Need a strength boost?

Forcalor Strength oil from 7th Witch House will give you the power to overcome any obstacles . It'll also help you tap into your courage to handle enemies head on and anything else that dares to come at you.


  • Carve target's name on a white candle. If doing spell directed at self, write your own name.
  • Anoint candle w/ approximately 6 drops of oil.
  • Light for a minimum of 6 minutes.
  • You may also wear this potion by applying a drop behind each ear or on pulse points daily.
  • *All Spell work is done.

*We recommend using chime candles. We do not promise to include chime candles in orders, but oftentimes we do if several potions have been purchased.

*Buyer is responsible for all outcomes in relation to the potion used. Consuming or wearing potion is done at the buyer's own risk.

*Our oils are packaged in plain-colored padded envelopes with no mention of the logo or references to Magick. If you have any additional concerns, please feel free to message us.

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Based on 3 reviews
Forcalor Strength Potion

I use this one today. I will wait on result and know takes time.

Its really too early to tell the magnitude of what this potion is capable of

Its really too early to tell the magnitude of what this potion is capable of, but already noticing blockages being overcome! I am grateful for this potion! Thank you ??

Perfect item to have on hand

Perfect item to have on hand,, Thank you Ashley for the chime candle and gifts in my order????