I recently received my third bottle of this incredible concoction! I personally think that even in the light of all the incredible sets and diamond line potions of all colors that our mastermind, awesomeness personified Queen Ashley Otori has released this year, this gem in a bottle is absolutely legendary! 🔥🔥🔥 The countless results that so many report speak for themselves! 🔥🔥🔥
Being my third bottle, it shows that the same potion can come in different appearances. They all shared notes of flowers and sweetness and some fresh nuances of different kinds, like a flower in a summer evening with the slightest breeze. 😍😍😍
My first one was full of purple petals, my second one was dark red with red flowers and this third one is beautifully full of bright blue and turquoise gemstone powder and tiny gold glitter everywhere! It's so insanely beautiful! If you shake it up it has this color all the way through for a second before settling back into its clear, golden shimmering state with the radiant blue at the bottom, as if storing its incredible powers for the moment when they are needed! 😍😍😍
And when it's time and when you burn it on a candle, letting this wondrous concoction have it's alchemal dance with the wick's fire and focus your intention to unfold and manifest, you can be sure that this masterpiece will bring you what you desire and usually a lot more as positive side effects! 🔥🔥🔥
It is also one of my hottest candidates for a potential "If I can only have one potion" - thread.
It is it only incredibly powerful, it is also mind-blowingly versatile! 🫨🫨🫨
Being a most amazing love potion, it will keep even the most stubborn target in love with you, make them sweet and just the right way of obsessed with you as if they feel that you have put them right there in your personal chambers of the Queen (or King) that you truly are! 🔥😍🔥
But it doesn't stop there! On a white candle, your target will be nicer to you, on a gold candle they'll be generous or you can attract customers and money, you can use it for self-love and you can even use it as a hex to make a target embody the opposite effects that this wonderful potion brings on other candle colors! It can be used together with specific potions in official combos that our Queen has confirmed! 🫨🫨🫨
I think this potion deserves a separate post where all it's potential purposes, candle colors, drops, minutes, combos and all are mentioned! It's just absolutely incredible what you can do with this masterpiece!
And I think it's an absolute must-have in every serious practitioner's arsenal! You don't have it yet? Why not? Go get it! 🔥😄😄😄
Thank you so much, Ashley Otori, for this perfection in a bottle that is so absolutely powerful beyond measure! Thank you so much for your mind-blowing geniusness, creating something so specific and versatile at the same time! Thank you so much for blessing us with the countless possibilities that your incredible creations offer! Thank you so much for being you! ❤️🥹
Praise, love and honor to Choronzon! She is absolutely everything and more! ❤️🥹