Love can be sweet as honey, intense like an inferno, inspiring and so much more and get the very best out in you! But it is also delicate like a tender flower and needs care, trust, understanding and connection if you want it to stay, grow and blossom! Each person has a unique way of living, celebrating and cherishing love and their connection with their partner. Each person has their own love language, consisting of different kinds of ways to show their love and appreciation. Wouldn't it be wonderful to connect the different ways of both in order to get a synergy of all the ways? And wouldn't it be absolutely incredible to have a tool that will exactly do that and will also mend and connect and shift the actions and perception of both partners so that both feel really seen and heard, both in their ways to convey their love as well as in their needs to receive it? Look no further, because our beloved and absolutely amazing Queen has created Love Language, a masterpiece that will leave you absolutely speechless in so many ways! Bound to Nyx, Lilith and Hedona, this life changing powerhouse will help both of you to connect better than ever before, to feel seen and heard and to see and hear and feel each other so much more because it helps you understand and speak each other's love languages!
Isn't that just absolutely beautiful? It absolutely is! Beautiful in it's wondrous effects and beautiful in its appearance! My gosh! And trust me that no camera could ever really catch all the beauty that our wonderful Queen has created here! The pink bottle - my apologies, mine is quite empty and I'll take new pictures and post them when I get a fresh bottle - is full of huge beautiful flower petals on a black and white gemstone bed and the whole wondrous concoction is filled with the tiniest gold glitter twinkling through it! My freaking goodness is this beautiful! 😍😍😍
The flowers can't only be seen but fill the room immediately upon opening the bottle. I have to say that the word flowers doesn't really convey what happens. Imagine a warm summer night, no wind, flowers everywhere and their sweet, intense scents hang in the air around you almost tangible! You can just smell the endless sea of nectar filled calyxes around you, filling air, mind and heart with their seductive scents so absolutely irresistibly! That's the composition of Love Language! 😍😍😍
The ritual that comes with this incredible masterpiece is absolutely beautiful and again involves flowers and a wonderful visualisation that is unique and touches the soul so deeply! It's beautiful and powerful and shifts your reality in the most wonderful ways! 🔥🔥🔥
Thank you so much, Ashley Otori, for creating this flowery sweet powerhouse that has the unstoppable, irresistible tenderness that changes everything so wonderfully! Thank you so much for your boundless ingenuity, love and care! Thank you so much for making everything so perfect and making the world a better place by being in it! Thank you so much for being you! Thank you so much for everything! ❤️🥹
Praise and honor to Nyx!
Praise and honor to Lilith!
Praise and Hedona!