The Order

Curse Reversal Potion Bar

Rs. 3,200.00
Want daily curse protection without having to cast a single spell?

Try the new all-organic soap bar infused with 7th Witch House's "Curse Reversal Potion" and demon Hecate!

Each wash with this bar will:

- Put an end to a bad luck streak

- Knock off any curse sent your way and send it straight back
to your attacker

- Purify yourself of toxic energy

Reversal of curse is permanent while giving you 24 hour protective treatment from bad energy.

And yes, you’ll also smell amazing!

Each wash will be effective for 24 hours and increases with each use.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 18 reviews

A necessity in every witch’s bag. I love it. Got the ick off! Thank you:)

Jacqueline Eng
I love this curse reversal bar

I use the return to sender a lot, but this curse reversal soap bar!!! All the soap bars!!! They work, and I am an actively practicing in the occult so other occultist always try to hit me and hit my wards because occultists can be very competitive so I usually have to stay low-key. But, a group of people mocked me and insulted Glasya Labolas many times. I had source material, but they wanted him to be nothing more than a rabid monster and I stood up for him and they dragged me online. I use this bar and one of the people who had a lot of fun at my expense house just burned down. I didn’t do it, but I do use the soap and I noticed when people’s lives start falling apart around me And between that and transmutation wards, I don’t have to do a bunch of painful magic all the time. I can focus on my goals and no drama gets me. Hecate has made this such a powerful soap. Love her!

Kay S

This soap is EVERYTHING !!! Immediately I felt lighter after using this soap !!! Hailllll LEGEND !!!!

Replaces with happy energy

This is an essential bar for the arsenal because one wash: I feel a happy camper. It's a funny little bar potion and while it smells so divine: it's so beautiful magic: funny things starts to happen around me:

People started to rock up late at work. My boss was pissed off with her employees about it. Somebody else got recently injured at work. Thank you for sending back all the jujus that was done to me.

I knew it was small but this curse reversal brought result because I woke up with group text message with it even. I was like hmm I was MIA so I had no idea what was going on there.

Thank you beautiful for creating this bar! I will always use it and the best bit, 24 hours: I feel so light, light as a feather and all that heavy shit was gone!

Praise to the demons with this soap!
Professor Ashley, you're a genius! Love you! 💌❤️


The curse reversal potion bar is amazing! I think everyone should have one of these babies! The scent is out of this world and you feel super squeaky clean and refreshed after you use this product! It definitely works and does what it is meant to do!