With all the huge and spectacular results that Demonic Magick brings us every day in all areas of life, we should never forget that it is often the rather quiet but impeccably reliable things that make this possible by having hour back, by holding off threats and dangers that we don't even realize, by protecting us daily so absolutely dependably that you often only realize how well protected you actually are once you let it slip, learn your lesson and keep on track from that point on. We are so incredibly fortunate to have the best protection in existence with Legion having our back and using all the masterfully crafted tools that our absolutely genius and wonderful Queen blesses us with! One of the most wonderful and incredible protective measures you can shield your life with, is the Protector of the House Sekhmet potion! Sekhmet is absolutely amazing and never fails to fiercely protect you, your home and in this case, also everyone who belongs to your home! Imagine the peace of mind knowing that Sekhmet is protecting you and your loved ones! 🥹🥹🥹
Sekhmet is so absolutely powerful and so is this masterpiece! But it is just as beautiful! The selenite and black gemstone powder providing a strong foundation form a beautiful contrast to the clear concoction that contains huge white and dark red flower petals and is so incredibly beautiful! 😍😍😍
The flowery, herbal and fruity fragrance that this masterpiece exudes is very tender and elegant and yet so clear and powerful! Like the guardian who is always there and ready and absolutely reliable, so much that they almost merge with their surroundings until the situation calls for the right measures, this wonderful powerhouse is the essence of stored power waiting to be released at the right time! 🔥🔥🔥
Casting this incredible safeguard in a bottle brings a peace of mind possible and a calming reassurance and safety that is absolutely phenomenal! Knowing that nothing will break through this line of defense and that the mighty Sekhmet holds her protective powers over me and my home, is so absolutely beautiful and I'm so sure that most of the threats and dangers that are taken out for me are far beyond my knowledge and perception, giving me the peace of mind I need to walk my path of growth, success and ascension guarded and free of troubles that most definitely would be an issue if I didn't have the powerful Sekhmet protecting me! 🔥🔥🔥
Thank you so much, Ashley Otori, for this incredible gem that works so absolutely reliably and consistently, protecting my home and myself from all harm as an impenetrable protective layer that takes care of all threats and dangers! Thank you so much for your care and ingenuity! Thank you so much for everything! ❤️🥹
Praise and honor to Sekhmet!