I've had a problem with insomnia for as long as I can remember. My brain has a hard time shutting off, especially when I'm stressed out with classes, work, kids, relationships, etc.
When I finally DO go to sleep, I wake up in the middle of the night and have a hard time going back to sleep.
I got the amazing Insomnia Spray and started using it on mine and my partner's pillows nightly. On the first night, I slept pretty well, and didn't wake up. I was refreshed and good to go! My partner, who didn't know what I used, started raving about the amazing sleep he had the night before. I told him it was the Insomnia Spray.
We've been using it for about a week now, and my partner won't go to sleep until I spray his pillow with the spray. It's so funny because he has been skeptical but supportive about my Demonic potions, rituals, and sprays, but I think he's starting to slowly accept it works and it's real.
The ONLY issues I've had sleeping while using the Insomnia Spray and interrupted sleep is once a bug was on my face and I woke up smacking myself in the face. Ironically, the time was 3:33 am, so when synchronicity needs to smack you, Insomnia Spray won't prevent it LOL
Overall, I feel like my sleep is more restful and I wake up refreshed. <3