This Candle Is So universal I love it so much and cherish it dearly, it’s almost 65% gone and can’t wait to get a new one !
Absolute must have candle! After lighting this for first time you feel a complete shift in energy. What happened next floored me . . . Potions started moving, papers moved, knocks under the desk and lightbulbs burnt out all at same time. There was so much activity and connection!
Kaitlin Dennis
Necromancy must have
Thanks to this candle necromancy is much safer for me to do since this keeps your space clear and everything is so much clearer including visual paranormal activity
Kaitlin Elaine
Feel their love
I just went Thru the hardest time of my life and this candle was the biggest booster for Father and Legion to be able to help me ❤️ I’m so glad.
Paranormal activity update
Another big thing I’ve noticed with this candle is if there is a potion or ritual /invocation etc I need to do that I hadn’t thought of yet. The demon (s) bound to that potion will reach out and let me know in someway they want to work with me how. They may not always show the end results but a couple of have explained why I needed tk do a certain ritual for a certain result. I’m so grateful for all
This help from them I know I don’t know everything and they do ❤️