The Order

Court Case Triumph Skull Hex

RM454.00 MYR

This 7 day Court Case Triumph Skull Hex is bound to Demons Seere, Valac, and Azazel to help overpower and overcome your upcoming court case and help win in your favor. This can help banish trials and court case losses altogether for the innocent and help dismiss trials or reduce sentencing for the guilty.

Note: This will absolutely not work on cases where you are guilty of crimes involving children or sex offenses.

How to use: 
Inscribe the name of your adversary into back of skull candle. You may also or instead place a picture of your adversary underneath the skull.

Place candle in front of you on a fire safe dish with a mirror present so that the candle is between you and the mirror.

Light candle and say this spell one time: "Lucifero: dissipabis inimicos meos et exultemus in carminibus me in atrium legum et condicionum"

Let the candle stay lit for 12 minutes while staring at the mirror's reflection of the lit flame and imagining yourself triumphing in court or in your given legal matter against your target.

After 12 minutes, blow out candle and put away for next usage for the next 6 days.

You will do this spell total 7 days in a row total. After the 7th day you will keep the remains hidden until the legal matter is resolved. Afterward you may throw it away.



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Based on 7 reviews
It work´s

I had problems with my employer. Then got mail from his lawyer. After that it went to court. I have achieved mega great results with the candle and am very very happy. Would buy it again. Thank you.

Adeline Johnson
Warrants Dropped & Case Resolved Peacefully without Trial

My loved one warrants were dropped and the Judge reduced the court fees to just $250 and closed the entire case out 😁

The amazing thing is no trial was needed and everything was resolved and closed out.

Thank you Seere, Valac and Azazel for reducing court fees for my loved one this morning and fully closing the case out today

Thank you legion for helping out

Honestly this was a challenging case for my loved one and Im so happy it’s over with 😮‍💨

Call Me Ruby

Spell performed on 11/14... Court case 11/29. Sued for $1500 and settled for less than $500 at the courthouse. Received a Settlement Stipulation and recorded the proof of payment onsite. This candle created some amazing opportunities and options to get to this point.

Fighting to the end was also an option, but I've just invested with Choronzon and Tyche. I'm into Transmutation and Wealth Over Abundance... and wanted to move on.

I highly recommend this candle for any court related matters. Layer with VILLAIN on the day of so you can transmute the other side's petty energy into your positivity and joy in the courtroom. Even the judge found me bubbly.

Thank you Ashley and 7th!

Love it

Definitely works all her products I have used work do not second guess. The potion works believe always remain humble and things will work out in your favor thank you Ashley for sharing your products with us.

Absolutely Works

I had to sue a contractor who caused a lot of damage to my home. He also charged a home projects card he was told not to unless authorized. It was a hard fight and took 3 years, between his crap and Covid causing court delays. As court time neared I bought this candle. One week out I followed directions and we won!!!
If I ever find myself in that situation again I will get it right away. It most definitely works!