The Order

Honeymoon Phase Love Potion

RM338.00 MYR

Remember when your relationship was full of love and passion?

If you're currently in a long-term relationship that has simmered down this love potion was made for you!

Revitalize the romantic passion you once had with your partner with this Honeymoon Phase potion. Turn back the clock and relive that lost newness and excitement all over again!


Carve target's name on red candle. Anoint red candle w/ approximately 6 drops of oil Light candle for 6 minutes. If doing spell directed at self, write your own name. You may also wear this potion by applying a drop behind each ear or on pulse points daily.

*All Spell work is done.

*We recommend using chime candles. We do not promise to include chime candles in orders, but oftentimes we do if several potions have been purchased.

*Buyer is responsible for all outcomes in relation to the potion used. Consuming or wearing potion is done at the buyer's own risk.

*Our oils are packaged in plain-colored padded envelopes with no mention of the logo or references to Magick. If you have any additional concerns, please feel free to message us.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
2nd Purchase of this Potion

My first purchase was a complete success. My 2nd one is the same. I had a hard time reconnecting with my POI since he came back into my life since he left me for another woman last year. It was almost a year since he's been back in my life and I had a hard finding that flame with him since he's been back and had just purchase this a couple months ago and the results well... he definitely wanted to make my night. Ever since it had put that furl back in the flame and it's been getting better since. I just hope he doesn't leave me for another woman again but I guess I will take the blame on that as I was using another potion and had inadvertently made him walk away. He's back and now I'm starting to look at him the same way I did before he left me.

Fast working oil

Me and my boyfriend have been talking over a year now. We've been through so much in that time and it's almost like he started pulling away the last three months. He kinda left me wondering how he really felt about me during those three months. His daughter was talking to me one day about a situation they were having and she told me " he bottles his feelings." Well I activated this about three days ago and today he started spilling all his feelings for me. Told me he couldn't imagine life without me and all. Like where did that come from. lol Then I remembered the oil. Thank so much. Your oils have never let me down.

My POI of nearly 2 years finally has made effort to try and open up to me and thankfully wanted t...

My POI of nearly 2 years finally has made effort to try and open up to me and thankfully wanted to spend more time with me than normal which is really nice to see we cuddled for the first time. He said he was still wanting to be single which I needed to hear but enjoys our friendship and that he's not ready to be in a relationship because of some kinks he has to deal with also he knew I was out there being with other people but he knows how I feel about him. Ashley I was looking for this from him for so long... my appreciation to you for this awesome potion. :)

Just did the candle ritual

Just did the candle ritual. waiting on the results. The packaging was awesome though so I love that! She gave me a heart shaped "witch" necklace which brought a smile to my face. she also included a small chime candle.

This is literally the most gorgeous think I have ever owned

This is literally the most gorgeous think I have ever owned. Thank you !!! Shipping long.... But totally totally worth the wait. This chick knows what's up and Im officially obsessed! Time energy and love. I'm smitten!