The Order

Limited Edition Life of Luxury Manifestation Kit

RM1,576.00 MYR RM2,251.00 MYR

 Limited Edition Life of Luxury Manifestation Kit
Manifest the life you want, and the people who want to give it to you! 💎💸💰💵💴💳

72 hour flash sale!!!!

$500 in products for $125!!! 😱

💵Life of Luxury Kit💵

💎Pay Me Potion Candle - The phenomenal $150 Pay Me potion in candle form make people feel compelled to pay your or compensate you for your presence. 

💎Life of Luxury Networking Spray - Will help you attract the right people who can get you where you want to be! 

💎Manifest Attract Wealth Potion - A normally $250 potion that is a “Call to action” that makes people be the first to offer to give you money, a raise, gifts or assistance. No awkward conversations necessary. 

💎Life of Luxury Potion Bar - Will give you weekly doses of Life of Luxury. 

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Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews

Got a raise within 1 month! With the promise of more to come with the annual reviews. Now aiming for a promotion and more money 💰. Working with Manifest Wealth potion, Pay Me candle, Queens Chambers candle and Gold digger candle will certainly get me there.

Paid itself

The pay me candle potion really has been helping me a lot this month. It help me paid half of its normal grocery food bill that usually consist of $100.00.

And also, people have been buying me food which helps a great deal since my country is dealing with inflation rate. That saying, thank you to the 7th witch house and the team for helping me in wealth area for this potion.

Every penny always counts. Every dollar always helps and every bit saves a lot. I was also paid for last trip holidays overseas outing. 🎉👏😍😂

Pay Me Potion Candle

I lit the Pay Me Potion candle YESTERDAY with the intention of my husband getting more money from his live-streaming. TODAY, one of the friends he made online offered to fly him out to his gym to train and even give him money for food! Hail Legion!

Call Me Ruby
You Will Love this...

You will adore the Pay Me Potion Candle for its ability to magnetize wealth naturally.

You will enjoy how the Life of Luxury spray carries a soft, light scent with a genuinely magnetic pull.

Your Life of Luxury potion bar will infuse your vibe with softness and manifestations galore.

And Manifest Attract Wealth Potion?

It genuinely IS a “Call to action” that makes people be the first to offer to give you money, a raise, gifts, or assistance. With consistent use, I've had excellent results.

Solid Investment

This kit is a bargain for all the product you get and all the uses you get out of it. Paid for itself within a week. People will be compelled to offer you money on their own accord either for a helpful task you did or just for being around. I haven’t even used the potion yet…this was just from lighting the candle, washing with the soap and spritzing the spray! Solid investment, you won’t regret it!