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I was finally able to lay down the law with someone who has been pushing my boundaries. And he totally changed his tune with me. If you're looking to be heard and shown respect, this is it. It should ve called "No more doormat"!
This potion is something else. I tell you when I say it works, it works. I found myself bossing people around when I got ordered around in returned. The colleague asked me to do something. I then say can you do this for me while I help you? 😂 I found myself refusing when people asked me to do something. It's really like something took over.
I was cleaning and found myself refusing. Usually how creepy it is I use to say yes to almost everything. It's almost as if there's a spirit around with you. A game changer. I also found myself saying no a couple of times which I haven't done for long time.
I also not only feel confident but the power drive to do everything. I found myself saying "this is easy. I can do it." When I was preparing basic food preparation at one point. I never say that to myself. Must have been the potion.
It was like I was on an overdrive. I did say give this one a go for this potion.
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (10/10)
When I use this oil, it's normally after I finished my usual rituals and then I dab this oil behind my ear every time. Jeez, this oil is no joke everyone. I feel like there's a ball of light and fire that forms deep in my stomach and then I just feel it course through my actual veins. It's the most incredible feeling and I get this burst of "I CAN DO ANYTHING!" and I can, because I've been making positive steps to changing my life such as making payment arrangements to pay off my debts. Not only that change, but my self-confidence, I am no longer the quiet "oh I'm sorry" for every little thing to "Hey, you will not treat me like this ANYMORE". This oil is the real deal, get it! It's worth it!
I was disrespected at work by the owner of the place I worked at. I did the spell work & wore the oil on my wrist. He is such a stubborn person who treats his employees terribly.
The day after he yelled at me, he actually took me aside & apologized. He told me I was doing a great job & that he didn't mean to tell at me.
It gives you confidence & power.
Beautiful oil. Certainly does enhance feelings of self-worth and confidence. Thank you!