The Order

Rock Hard

RM451.00 MYR

Rock Hard. 
This carefully crafted demonic massage potion bound to Adonis is like no other. It's blend of carefully chosen aphrodisiac herbs and essential oils work together topically to create an intensely diabolical and sensual experience for you or your target.

When applied, it quickly warms and tingles the body, heightening your sensitivity to touch and sending ripples of pleasure through your heightened nerve endings.

This electrifying demonic oil will captivate both your senses, rebound your energy, and ignite an inferno in the depths of your being, making you (stand at attention,) and ready for multiple top level experiences and explosions no matter your state of mind or energy. 🔥

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Based on 2 reviews
Tommy Le
Must have! Period!

Rock Hard message potion. Just put some oil on your hand and rub your hand together and rub your lover shoulder to relax them or add it to message oil and give your lover the most sensual message ever! You'll get some bed side action with the Rock Hard massage potion!

This is a must have! I love this potion so much!

Tommy Le
This is a must have! I couldn't recommend it enough!

Rock hard potion is one of my favorite massage oil. Who doesn't like massages? Most people love massages. When you use this to massage your lover. You will get lucky for some amazing intimate time with your lover! This potion just blew me away with screaming pleasure! Like wow! I couldn't contain my screaming! This is a must have potion to rub all over you and your lover! The intensity is astronomical! I never scream so loud in my life! I tried to stop screaming, but I just can't! Its that intense! I got to get another gallon worth! Like Wow! This is a must have! I highly recommend this potion!