This potion is an absolutely eye-catching masterpiece that will get you on your stage in life no matter the circumstances or the way you feel and will make you leave an incredible impression, just like this beautiful gem itself does!
Unpacking it, the jewel encrusted case is the first "wow!" that can be heard! My gosh, so beautiful! So classy!
The next thing that absolutely got me is the rose colored, flower covered case that bears the bottle! My gosh! It's a visual and haptic delight and adds to the classy, elegant and eye-catching theme!
Opening it and taking the potion out, left me speechless! This can't really be described, you have to see it for yourself! The radiant pink contains tiny golden glitter particles! And dark pink crystals at the bottom! Taking pictures of this beauty is such a pleasure! What the light does to this mixture is absolutely phenomenal!
Opening the bottle and taking in the smell unlocks the next layer of pleasurable pink! It's a mixture of light, fresh, fruity notes, happy flowers and a powerful touch of a midsummer sunset in the most beautiful flower field. And if that radiant pink was a smell it might very well be this one!
Activating this most beautiful flower among the many masterpieces from our Queen's most virtuosic hands was incredibly powerful and brought a feeling of fearless show glamor self-confidence and trust to conquer life's stages (and the obstacles that you may find on the way) with ease and a showstopping smile on your face! This will profoundly change a lot of situations and the way to go through them!
Praise and honor to Paimon!
Praise and honor to Cimeries!
Praise and honor to Marbas!