I have a very long story. But in short, I have had one of the worst years in over a decade. I kept saying to myself and any poor soul that would listen "I need a win." Well, within 3 weeks of buying this : I have met my birth father (a born-again christian ...so bye-bye daddy), said goodbye to my birth mother (who've I only know for 5 years but just found out she is infact a narcissist. I have never met one before) AND been validated that my new 169 cc scooter that I bought a year ago and have been paying hundreds of $ to get repaired, WAS indeed covered under warranty so I will be getting a new bike and over a thousand dollars returned. I still would really like to know which demons are connected to this potion. Currently I have been working with Kali Ma and Baphomet. But I dunno. Very curious. Anyway all I keep repeating to my friends is I FEEL LIKE A PHOENIX RISING! 2025 will be my year to rise. X