This time of the year - and actually all the other times too - can be full of connection and good relationships or be challenging with the lack of them. No matter if you are fulfilled or longing for connection, the Build a Bond Magick Potion is the most wonderful and powerful friend when it comes to deepening relationships of all kinds! That makes it even more amazing! You can use it for any kind relationship that you want to reconnect or just deepen more! 😍🥹
This masterpiece is such a warm fire in all aspects, connecting souls and building bonds! Being so incredibly beautiful in a warm caramel red brown color, already looking at it is a heart-warming experience! 😍😍😍
Opening this powerful bond builder, a very subtle and warm composition of floral and sweet nuances greets me pleasently like a warm hug, giving a reminder of the wonderful things that this masterpiece will bring! 😍🫠😍
Activating this friend in a bottle enhanced the feeling of a warm hug a lot more, accompanied by a deep assuring fire that tells you that Orobas has your back in deepening and enhancing your relationship of choice, leaving a feeling like a cosy blanket for quite some time! ❤️❤️❤️
Knowing that fading friendships or relationships never need to be accepted as they are but can be changed to what it's worth having, is something absolutely wonderful when letting it sink in! Especially when you feel lonely among your contacts, this is an incredible friend to have to change your world! 😍😍😍
Thank you so much, Ashley Otori, for creating such a heart and soul soothing masterpiece that truly helps relationships blossom and makes loneliness a remembrance of the past instead of a feeling of the moment! Thank you so much for everything! ❤️🥹
Praise and honor to Orobas!