The power and protection of this potion is so so valuable it literally blows my mind that this can be had at such a LOW price. The peace of mind, sigh-of-relief feeling you will get when using this cannot even be expressed. My home feels like a HOME again after some stressful and traumatic events and that is due in part to working with this potion (among other Demonic rituals and potions).
Even my dogs are peaceful and happy whenever this potion is lit; for weeks at a time! Nothing seems to go wrong, my entire home life is more solid and worry-free after burning this. Closest comparison is it's like living inside a bubble of light and Demonic love. (Also Keep Out Powder gives that effect & more - don't sleep on that one either!)
Sekhmet has such a strong solid steadying presence, really it's almost a grounding and a safeguarding feeling, it's hard to describe. All I can say is GET this potion so you can feel like your home is your cozy sanctuary. <3
Hail Sekhmet! Thank you for everything Sekhmet!