This locked out a lot of bad dating patterns… and cultivated an intense and directly passionate connection. However, there were lingering subconscious insecurities, and those thoughts were persistent and required a shift in my own thinking to further align me to the intensity of fidelity I desired.
I may buy this again… right now I'm waiting on Only Hard for You by Zepar.
Security is priceless
Another must have!
Fidelity potion
Five stars
I don't know why anyone would report her when her customer service is amazing
I don't know why anyone would report her when her customer service is amazing. Plus why would you report anything if she basically gave you the item for free. In my experience Ashley is not a bully, she's reached out to me recently with another item and for my trouble has given me another potion, I think that says alot in how she cares for her customers. - My results with potion was fast - after 2 days of ordering - my POI, finally after 2 years deleted his online dating accounts. I have not activated yet, but it blew me away can't wait for the after results. :)
This oil is so pretty and magical looking
This oil is so pretty and magical looking ! It’s smells wonderful not over powering at all and you could also wear it through out the day and not smell strong . Just did my ritual tonight I will be leaving another review after the results