The Order

Lightning in a Bottle Potion Bar

⚡️Your favorite new potion “Lightning in a Bottle” is now also an awesome new potion bar! ⚡️

💫 Are you feeling sluggish or low on energy? Do you constantly find yourself wishing for more hours in the day to finish tasks? Do you lack the motivation to finish any goal in its entirety before giving up and attempting something else? 💫

Use the power of Demon Dantelion to put a near instant rush of energy into your day.
This will need to quickly become a daily part of your “witch’s toolbox.” Who doesn’t want to feel like a superhero and tackle everything on their list?

Each wash will give you the feeling of a wonderful burst of energy and renewal! This bar is also an excellent booster to pair with the Lightning in a Bottle potion ⚡️⚡️⚡️
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Customer Reviews

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Customer Reviews

Based on 13 reviews

When I feel like I need a whole day of sleep, I wash with this and feel so amazingly focused and energized. I feel so AWAKE. Hard to describe. No more lazy days. Start your day with this and "get er done"


This soap bar has really made a difference for me. I was feeling so lazy & unmotivated to even do my rituals, but after using this soap bar my only problem was not having enough time in the day to do it all! I accomplish so much when I wash with this daily. Thanks to Dantelion🖤

Jump Start

Admittedly, it takes a LOT to get me going. I wash with Manic & Weightloss Body Wash, spray Manic Spray, burn Manic Candle, take absurd amounts of caffeine...just to blast past my fatigue and begin my normal day with somewhat of a spring in my step.

This potion bar does help me, when I have the idea of "I should do this offering / ritual today" if I actually get up and go wash my hands with it, then I walk back into my Practice area, and I actually DO the thing I meant to do. I know that sounds so minor but trust me I am a professional level, hardened, lifetime procrastinator and sorry excuse maker.

(When I tried just showering with it, I wasn't able to notice an effect, so I think setting your mind first / during use is critical.) I have this Potion Bar next to my sink and I am going to keep setting my intent then washing with it while holding my task in mind.

This is 💥!

This soap will have you wanting to run miles !!!!! Its great for anyone who feels run down , tired , like Monday is 7 days a week !!!! Get this get a couple you will not be disappointed!!!!

Lightning in a Bottle Potion Bar

Five stars