This little box is a miracle worker! Sitri is well known for her other 7WH love potion, “Love Potion No. 9,” but this new potion is NOT to be overlooked! When the description says “makes the target instantly think of you,” it’s absolutely serious. On numerous occasions, I’ve had my target call me THE VERY SECOND the ritual was finished!! (Which is why you should always do your rituals on airplane mode, folks—sometimes they hit so fast that they interrupt the ritual itself!)
This potion “Think of Me” has so many potential uses. Is your spouse on a business trip? You can make him race through dinner because he’s so eager to call you. Are you worried that “out of sight, out of mind” is setting in while your honey is traveling? Not anymore, it’s not!
The 7WH has done it again, y’all. Hail Sitri!