The Order

Puppet Master Hex Potion


Works as a hypnotic to bend anyone to your will against their own will. Several servings exist within this 1 oz bottle so you may use it on multiple people.

Elite potion of The Order.


*You are solely responsible for all actions you do in regards to this potion.*


  • Write your intention on a piece of paper.
  • Carve the name of your target lengthwise on a black chime candle. 
  • Anoint the candle with 12 drops of oil and light the candle. 
  • Drop 12 drops of wax all over the piece of paper and focus on your intention while looking at the flame. 

  • After 6 minutes blow the candle out and dispose of the candle and paper. 

*Be careful not to come into contact with any of the curse potions. You are advised to wear gloves in


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