Beyond Linear Time: The Cyclical Causality of Demonic Magick

In our daily lives, causality seems to move in a single direction: cause precedes effect, like dominoes falling one after the other—a concept known as linear causality. This straightforward succession shapes much of our understanding of the world. However, initiates understand that causality unfolds in more enigmatic ways.

To the uninitiated, demonic magick operates under the same universal laws that govern our ordinary experiences. Yet, for those who tread this arcane path, causality is not merely a line; it's a circle—a cycle that reflects the ceaseless rhythm of creation and destruction. It echoes through the ages, an eternal dance of will and consequence.

Why might Luciferian initiates view causality as cyclical rather than linear? The answer lies deep within the heart of their philosophy. In Luciferianism, the individual is central, considered a microcosm within the greater macrocosm—an agent of change and a reflection of the cosmos. The practitioner's will is paramount; through ritual magick, they seek to influence their environment in a way that aligns with their desires and higher self.

But when a practitioner casts a spell or evokes a Demon, they engage in a dialogue with the universe. Every action ripples through time and space. While it may seem to bring an immediate effect, the reality is more complex. The ritual sets off a series of events that reverberate forwards and backward through time as the intent becomes entwined with the fabric of reality, affecting past, present, and future—a non-linear causation that defies the unidirectional flow of time as we perceive it.

The reality is the past can be just as malleable as the future. Rituals and spells aren't solely instruments to create future outcomes; they can also heal the past, rewriting the narrative of one's life story. This concept is not unique to Luciferianism. Many ancient cultures held similar views where time is not a river but an ocean, with currents flowing in all directions.

As a practitioner becomes more attuned to this cyclical notion of time and causality, ethical considerations take on new dimensions. Actions performed with magical intent must be considered for their long-term effects, not just immediate outcomes. This understanding fosters a responsibility towards one's actions—knowing that what one sends out into the cosmos will eventually return, completing the cycle.

Such an ethos encourages reflection. In cyclical causality, one cannot escape the consequences of their actions as they are eternally linked to the practitioner's spirit. Therefore, Luciferian magicians are often driven by a code of personal honor and responsibility that goes beyond simple cause and effect. It urges them to consider the wider impact of their magical workings—how they might reverberate through the cycles of time and touch the lives of others, seen and unseen.

For magicians walking this path, causality is experienced as a series of interconnected cycles, much like the Ouroboros—the snake eating its tail—a symbol of eternal renewal. In this light, the world becomes a place of infinite possibility, where every moment is a chance for transformation, and magic is the tool that enables one to weave their will into the tapestry of existence.

Understanding the cyclical nature of causality in demonic magick offers a glimpse into a worldview that transcends the linear. It urges us to question the nature of time, will, and consequence. It invites reflection on our own beliefs about causality and the universe—a contemplation that's as deep and complex as the practice of magick itself.

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