Customer Reviews
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I love everything about these products, from the quality ingredients and luxury aesthetic to the sensory experiences and results. Such a delite to use. I felt an incredible difference after the first application. I will continue to use the products. Thank you!
Do you know feelings of anxiety? Panic? If so, you may already be using this incredible masterpiece, that our amazing Queen Ashley Otori has so thoughtfully created! If you haven't experienced things like that, you might think it's not for you. But the name of this wondrous concoction is an absolute understatement to what it actually does! 🔥😍🔥
Bound to a team that is powerful beyond measure when it comes to matters of mental health - Prince The Seventh, Ronove and Pan! - this unique anchor in a bottle also resolves mood swings, even feelings of guilt, shame and self hatred and other negative emotions that can keep you from becoming the best version of yourself! 🔥🔥🔥
And it doesn't even stop there! When casting this wonderful friend, the effects spread to everyone in your current vicinity! Just think about how incredible and amazing this is! This awesome mental health healer in a bottle calms down your freaking mind in every and any way possible and necessary and that of everyone around you! 😍😍😍
Not only is this incredible life changer absolutely powerful, it is also so beautiful! Already looking at this masterfully crafted blend with its herbs, the rose bud, all the white selenite and gold flakes gives me a calming feeling!
Taking in it's scent even more so! Soothing, fresh herbal notes with a hint of rose and honey clear the mind with their wonderful nuances! 😍😍😍
Casting this master is always a calming, meditative experience and watching the flame dance it's not unusual to be completely immersed and feel as if only me and my intention are existing in that moment! 🥹🥹🥹
Speaking of intention! I'm not someone who is mentally instable and very few things can bring me out of my balance! But this masterpiece will always finds its way through every tiny crack into every last corner like soothing water, preemptively making future challenges even easier to take on or generally taking your overall feeling and life quality to another level! So if you think "I don't need this one", I still highly recommend giving it a try and finding out that you got something new that you didn't know you needed! 😄😄😄 For me it's an absolute must-have! 😍😍😍
Thank you so much, Ashley Otori, for taking care of us so generously, in such creative ways and with really every life situation in mind! Thank you so much for creating this mind-blowing masterpiece, that just calms everyone the fck down, no matter what the issues are and brings so much lightness, liberation and overall quality into our lives! Thank you so much for everything! 🥹❤️
Praise and honor to Prince The Seventh!
Praise and honor to Ronove!
Praise and honor to Pan!
Everyone with anxiety needs to know about this incredibly powerful potion! 🧪
It’s truly a staple and can be used both weekly, proactively on a candle and dabbed on/worn daily!
Absolutely a must have! I'm so grateful for this potion!
Love that it works for the whole household as well, it’s the first potion I grab when i’m nervous and feel like i’m lacking grounding. Hail Pan! Hail Ronove! Hail 7th!
I usually get mood swing daily. I get anxiety alot. Because of past trauma in my early life. But using this potion, it work almost instantly! I just calm down and feel relax. It has a calming affect on you. If you get Anxiety or mood swing. This potion is a must for you. I highly recommend this potion and will buy again.