The Order

I'm Coming Out Potion


Often, the only thing holding us back in life is ourself. This magick potion gives you the power to overcome fear and the bravery to accomplish or seek anything you desire.


Carve target's name on a white candle. If doing spell directed at self, write your own name. Anoint candle w/ approximately 6 drops of oil. Light for a minimum of six minutes. You may also wear this potion by applying a drop behind each ear or on pulse points daily.

*All Spell work is done.

*We recommend using chime candles. We do not promise to include chime candles in orders, but oftentimes we do if several potions have been purchased.

*Buyer is responsible for all outcomes in relation to the potion used. Consuming or wearing potion is done at the buyer's own risk.

*Our oils are packaged in plain-colored padded envelopes with no mention of the logo or references to Magick. If you have any additional concerns, please feel free to message us.

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Based on 3 reviews
Kaitlin Dennis
Make your presence known

Usually I’m pretty quiet to those I don’t know but I’m finding myself branching out and talking to new people and making plans with those I do know. I had social anxiety pretty bad before the pandemic and then after the first lockdown it was just hard to remember how to people again. I’m speaking up more to others and I’m excited to keep coming out of my shell cuz others are happy to meet me and spend time with me

Kate W.
An Absolute Must Have Potion

I invested in this potion a while back and let it sit on my shelf for months before using it. After reaching a point where I just didn't know where to go or what to focus on, I decided that I needed to radically change my approach and get out of my way. After some deep contemplation and reflection, I realized that I was getting in the way of my own success. It is something I have feared for my whole life. Months of sitting in limbo finally served as the tipping point for me to finally take the courage to work with it and I am so glad I did. This potion has really swept away the fears and obstacles to I can step up to new heights. All the subtle changes have brought forward a brand new foundation of support. I am taking bigger and bolder steps and am so excited to see how things are changing in my life. I can't recommend this potion enough. It really is a must have.

Call Me Ruby

This potion is highly slept-on and underrated. If you have anything - I mean ANYTHING - that you need to do for yourself, get this potion.

If you need to exercise, get this potion. If you need to speak up, get this potion. If you're hiding your truth behind closed doors because you don't want to be judged, then get this potion.

Whatever you're doing that's keeping YOU from living your best life, this potion will fix... effortlessly. It's a great boost and honestly, I feel it when I don't use it.

FAIR WARNING -- you may not sleep... and you may have loads of stuff to suddenly do. My business implementation and execution skyrockets when I use this stuff.