The Order

Occult Warfare Hex Potion


Use to help annihilate other occult and non occult targets alike. Will give you the upper hand and winning advantage when cursing or retaliating against another occultist or witch. Use to to boost your hexes by anointing your black candles with this oil and lighting while doing your curse work.

This will not only boost your hexes, but will also simultaneously cancel the curses of your target and disarm them. Highly potent and works with great speed.


Carve target's name on black candle. Anoint candle with approximately 6 drops of oil. Light candle for 6 minutes. Be careful not to come into contact with any of the curse potions. You are advised to wear gloves in order to prevent accidental contact.

*All Spell work is done.

*We recommend using chime candles. We do not promise to include chime candles in orders, but oftentimes we do if several potions have been purchased.

*Buyer is responsible for all outcomes in relation to the potion used. Consuming or wearing potion is done at the buyer's own risk.

*Our oils are packaged in plain-colored padded envelopes with no mention of the logo or references to Magick. If you have any additional concerns, please feel free to message us.

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