The Order

Remedy Panic Attack Relief Potion Roller


🦋 Finally a Remedy has arrived! 🦋

To help stop:
• Panic Attacks
• Extreme Anxiety
• And Self Esteem issues in their tracks! 

A few rolls of this on the back of your ear can help you Demonically chase away swirling thoughts of negativity, self loathing, toxic mental loops, anxiety, and panic that keep you from enjoying your life in a connected and meaningful way. 🦋

Made with the most pure and selective of ingredients, including copious amounts of 24k gold flake, crushed Diamond, and a host of other fine gems, we present to you The Remedy Panic Attack Relief Potion Roller. 🦋

This divine invention gives you both the mobility and privacy to do you’re magick anywhere without anyone noticing that you’re doing top tier Demonic Magick.🦋

No flame needed! Keep your cool as you roll on this life line of a potion to keep those emotions in check! 🦋


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