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I just love this beautiful necklace of Sallos. This necklace will help you find your soulmate. Just getting your soulmate is worth getting this Necklace by itself. I also use it to get my soulmate. It works. I just love this Necklace. I found my soulmate with Sallos necklace. Soulmate is so worth it. Get this necklace to get your soulmate. Soulmate equal True blissful happiness.
Sallos necklace is so amazingly beautiful. What is it work to find your soulmate? This necklace will help bring your soulmate to you. Soulmate equal True Happiness! I highly recommend everybody to find your Soulmate! It is so worth it.
Although I've been developing a relationship with Sallos for the past few years, my attempts to connect were weak, at best, until I started using the products sold by the 7th Witch House. I'm finishing up my first week of invocation with the oh-so-loving Sallos. Unbeknownst to me (until very recently), Sallos was responsible for bringing me my soulmate.
By itself, the necklace is a stunning dark blue that pairs well with many skin tones and outfits. However, invoking Sallos brings a whole new level of love into your being. This week, I've found that I'm kinder, I'm more understanding, I'm jamming out to love songs, and I'm going out of my way to do little things that will make other people happy. I'm just so full of love that it's pouring out of me.
An unexpected benefit? I'm definitely better at magick this week. All of 15 minutes into our invocation, Sallos guided me to find some forgotten objects in my ritual area that were interfering with my spellwork. Sallos is better known for his love capabilities than anything else, but he definitely has a thing or two to teach about magickal practices.
I HIGHLY recommend using this beautiful necklace to connect with Sallos. Personally, I cannot wait to invoke him again. Hail Sallos! Hail Legion!
This is an absolutely beautiful piece. Received it with Beleth and Medusa, but I promise Sallos demands complete attention.
Someone and I were not seeing eye to eye… and this necklace reconnected us a few times. We're not in connection at the moment, and it's fine - what's meant to be, will be. But I must say that when things were NOT good the first time I used it, I could feel an overwhelming sense of love and desire from that person… and we made love 24 hours later.
Additionally, people are sweeter to me in general.
ABSOLUTELY beautiful